Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Inventing My Own iPad Application for Maxis

Everybody loves applications, be it on a Smartphone or Tablet, gaming, informative or educational – We can all agree that they can be truly addictive! Ever wish you could customize your very own iPad application tailored to your needs and wants? Here’s your chance to do so AND be rewarded for it! Use your creative juices to “invent” your own iPad application and you may be worthy of winning a free iPad 3G each!
There are 2 prizes up for grabs. Here’s how the 2 winners are chosen:
1st Prize: The best “realistically” creative idea (Your idea is not just creative but realistic too! It could actually be built using today’s technology.)
2nd Prize: The wildest creative idea (Your idea is well ahead of the technology that is available today but WOW us and you can still win a free iPad from Maxis. The sky is the limit! No boundaries!)

1st prize: 1x 64GB iPad 3G + Maxis WiFi Modem
2nd prize: 1x 32GB iPad 3G + Maxis WiFi Modem

How to Enter:
1. If you aren’t already a Maxis Angel, sign up as one today! (Login to your Nuffnang account, click on the Evangelist tab, and pick Maxis)
2. Write a blog post describing your application, what makes it amazing and showcase your idea along with impactful images. The post should be accompanied with the title “Inventing My Own iPad Application for Maxis“. You need not physically build the application. We are just interested in your ideas.
3. Embed the “Maxis contest participant” badge below in your post using the codes provided.
Maxis contest participant badge
4. Include this link: in your blog post, and share that iPads are now available through Maxis.

Deadline for submissions is 11.59pm, 17 January 2011 (Monday).
When you’re done with your post, submit your entry by filling in the form in the link below:

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